Thursday, October 4, 2018

Friday Night

Friday night finally arrived. It was a self-proclaimed 3-in-1 night. Movie Night. Junk Night. Chillax Night. (Before the exams come looking for us) Two balcony seats was promptly reserved. The setting was perfect. Cool weather. Soft mattress. Cozy jammies. Their new statement t-shirts, specially shipped by their Te aunty. Junk neatly divided. (Actually no. Saw some unfair practices by the younger one) Positions taken. And action! Varied emotions fluctuating all over their faces. It was their favourite Harry Potter movie. (Seeing it for the trillionth time today has no bearing whatsoever; their knee-jerk reactions remain immortal)

As I left their room, a random thought came rushing in. A Friday night can be made ‘happening’ within our own house too. Amongst our family. Just need to look for it. Can’t find it? Then create it. Few years back I was invited with family to my friend Sowmya's house. As we were having our tea, her young son casually suggested a game. Next thing we know is two families, excitedly & happily trying to outdo each other as part of the game. The room roared with laughter! That was the first for me. Never knew the magic of a family game shared with guests can bring in so much glee. Guests who were all hesitant and awkward at the beginning.

Coming back to my thoughts, the joy in celebrating a Friday night at home with your family would be far more lasting simply ‘cause memories are notoriously partial to family bonds & their warm moments. Try it & you too will agree that Happiness is in-house, indeed 🤗

Cell no 105

I love having conversations & while we are at it, there better be an eye contact. Throughout.
I love to sleep, more the morning, deeper the sleep. Yes, I am just not a morning person & you can happily blame it on my Punju genes.
I am a food enthusiast. Enjoy both, cooking & hogging. The portions may not be large but have to keep coming through the day. 
I love action & can be real restless if there is no work at hand. Be it at work or home.
I am out & out a family person. Can be under house arrest, for all I care as long as my family is tucked in with me. But yes, keep the windows open as I suffer from claustrophobia.

And I land at the Vipassana center near Hyderabad. Voluntarily. For a 10-day course.

It all started with a random thought in the first week of January. I jotted few outrageously Non-Priya things & decided to pursue them in 2018. Things which seemed way out of my comfort zone. Coming back to Vipassana as one of the things…

The day begins at 4 am. Everyday.
The last meal of the day is served at 11 am.
Each day runs clockwise with 12 hours of meditation.
While we are on meditating, just a technical add-on. No body movement.
Most part of the day, you are confined to a cell to meditate. No fans even in group meditation halls.
No speaking. No eye contact. No contact with the outside world.

Thanks to my stint with Yoga, I was familiar with the art of looking poised & serene while each limb in the body shrieks in pain. Came in real handy. As days progressed, sleep & hunger eventually gave in to the routine. Body aches began to surrender too. And I succumbed to meditation finally by the time the 5th day dawned.

What I came back with. The realization of how powerful a mind can be if we put our mind to it. Throughout the 10 days, the mind clearly took over & the body had eventually no option but to follow. Surely Vipassana is not one of the easiest ways to arrive at this realization, considering streams of people kept leaving the course until the batch strength reduced to one-third of its initial size. So yes, we are far more stronger than what we think & give ourselves credit for.

A little #SheAndMe moment before I left for the course...
After answering million questions to the most intriguing thing which she found about my course- ‘No speaking for 10 days’
She: You won’t utter a word even if there is an emergency like fire?
Me: (warning in my eyes) No. How many times I have said no. Whatsoever, not a single word.
She: (Before almost running away from the room, with a gleam in her eyes) What happens if you mumble & speak in your sleep?
A cushion was picked & flung at her naughtily retreating back.

Friday Night

Friday night finally arrived. It was a self-proclaimed 3-in-1 night. Movie Night. Junk Night. Chillax Night. (Before the exams come ...